This is what journalism students were saying to eachother when they we embarking on an educational trip to Cape Town.
This was a long anticipated trip for two years now. It has been the only conversation they could agree on when they spoke to eachother almost like the only language they understood since they were in first year. “ When we were in first year all we could say about the trip was the planning for it and now that it is here all we can say is we are not just leaving but we are going”, said Alice Mminele a second year journalism student.
This trip has become a tradition within the Journalism Department at the University to take our students on this educational trip as part of their training, said Fannie Groenewald one of their Lectures. The department has been doing this for almost ten years now and it has been a great success for both the students and the department. The trip entails the visit to the most visited tourist attraction sight, the Beautiful Robben Island, Media 24 and a two day trip to Parliament. This will definitely be a great experience for the students especially for those who have not been to Cape Town before.
The students gathered at the Tshwane North campus where they all embarked on a journey to the Mother City. They left Tshwane at 14:00pm on a Friday afternoon and arrived in Cape Town on a Saturday morning. Some say that on the way they had bus troubles and fro others it was a long joy ride for they sang, danced played youthful games and many more. It was almost like a team building exercise for some of us for we spoke to those we hardly spoke to and broken relationships were mended. It was a blissful trip indeed.
As they arrived in Cape Town they were booked in at the Cascades, a well conducive self catering apartment building with intense security and privacy.
They were given time to recuperate from the long trip. All they wanted to do was go to the beach as they had already seen the view of the Table Mountain.
The next morning they embarked on a journey to the Robben Island and went to the Media 24 the following day.
The trip to Robben Island was somewhat emotional for others and for some a waste of time and a lie to them. “Why should we cry if the prison looked so luxurious”, said Boniswa Somana. The trip to Media 24 was a learning experience especially when the students were being taught the about the basics that goes into magazine producing. Their last trip was to Parliament, “this is where we learnt about the two houses of parliament and oh for me that I want to work in parliament, it would be very interesting”, said Mpendulo Ndlovu.
After all these educational experience all that was left to do was for the students to enjoy the city and its aura. They were all exposed to the night life of the Mother city. Clubs of the Mother City at Long Street and house party in their respect rooms.
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